Surround Yourself With Great People

"I began at once to feel that I needed support, others to share with me the burden." - Abraham Lincoln, upon becoming the President of the United States

Leaders are strong enough to admit they are weak.

They don't have all the answers. They cannot figure it all out on their own. They know they must surround themselves with strong people, even former rivals. This was Abraham Lincoln's thinking on November 7, 1860, the morning after he won the presidential election:

"On a blank card he wrote the names of the seven men he wanted. At the center of his list stood his chief rivals for the nomination--Seward, Chase, and Bates. . . . While several months would pass before the cabinet was assembled, subjecting Lincoln to intense pressures from all sides, he resolved that day to surround himself with the strongest men from every faction of the New Republican Party" .Team of Rivals, Doris Kearns Goodwin, page 280.

Do you have the right people around you in order to be at your leadership best? If the answer is "Yes," give thanks -- to God and then to your team. If not, what step can you take today to improve this?

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 ESV