An Update & An Invitation


Thanks for taking the time to read and engage my thoughts and learnings on leadership. I want to give a brief update on this blog and some exciting developments that the Lord has opened up.

The Update . . .

Max De Pree, the former CEO of Herman Miller and a strong follower of Christ said this about his leadership:

"One of the ways I have found my own voice over the years is to write." - Leadership Jazz, 3.

De Pree's words resonate with me. Writing about leadership learnings helps me formulate my thoughts; sharing them with others is good stewardship. Over the last year I have been on a quest to clarify my thoughts about certain leadership axioms -- most learned from others along with a few of my own. That has been the focus of this blog.

My writing pace has been slower of late and there are a few reasons for that. I won't dive into all of them, but one of the reasons is why I am sharing this update with you.

A few months back the Lord gave me a wonderful friendship with Dr. James Davis, president of the World Leaders Conference. Dr. Davis was interested in how to leverage that conference to enhance servant leadership among leaders in the marketplace and in the church. It was decided that one of the ways to do this was to offer a Servant Leadership Blog that could speak to the topic of servant leadership from a biblical perspective. Dr. Davis has asked me if I would write that blog for the WLC.

The invitation was both a big honor and a big responsibility. I spoke about this opportunity with the leadership of our church. We felt that it was a great way to serve and influence a broader audience. It was also an opportunity for me to model what I encourage our church to do all the time, "to use the best of our time, talents, and treasures to serve Christ." Consequently, I have agreed to act as the host for this new blog on servant leadership.

What does this mean? It means that once-a-week I will write on the subject of servant leadership for the WLC. You can read more about the blog below. I will continue to write about my learnings on leadership at (which you receive via this email blast). These will come about once-a-week as well and continue to focus on leadership axioms that relate to the life and work of a leader.

The Invitation . . .

I wanted to extend an invitation on behalf of the World Leaders Conference for you to join the conversation on servant leadership through this new blog. Here's what you can expect:

  • A weekly leadership development journey.
  • Compelling stories of servant leadership.
  • Biblical insight on servant leadership.
  • Practical steps to implement servant leadership in your life and organization.
  • Celebrating servant leadership we see in the lives of everyday leaders.

We won't clutter up your in-box with fluff. It will be quality worthy of your time. Because it comes out once a week, the posts will generally be more substantive, intended to inform, equip, and inspire. 

You can click here if you want to take a look at the first post. It focuses on LBJ and Jesus and how servant leadership is often seen in the "unseen."  If you like what you see, you can sign-up. It's free and comes with "no strings attached."  

I pray the Lord continues to strengthen you to be a Psalm 78:72 leader:

"And David shepherded them with integrity of heart;

with skillful hands he led them."